Our cleaning survey opens the door to Swedish homes*

We asked Swedes about their cleaning habits and behaviours–we got more than 7000 responses. Here is a glimpse into Swedish homes.

Cleaning contributes to irritation at home

We knew that conflicts related to cleaning could arise, but unfortunately, the number of respondents reporting cleaning-related disputes is high. Approximately 56% of respondents say that arguments about cleaning occur at home sometimes or often. There are various tricks to distribute household chores more evenly, ranging from project plans to household calendars and even couples therapy. Hiring a cleaning service is also a great way to reduce the conflicts that arise around cleaning, which is an unnecessary source of stress for many in their daily lives.

It's worth a try. 💭

Many people perceive window cleaning as the most tedious task

Window cleaning is clearly the least popular cleaning activity according to the opinions of Swedes. 19.6% of the respondents in the survey voted for window cleaning as the most detestable. Cleaning the bathroom came in second place with 17.6%, and dusting ranked third with 15.9% of the votes.

You can view window cleaning as a pleasant exercise project or hire professionals to take care of it.

You can order window cleaning from Freska's superheroes here. 🌞

Over half of them consider home cleaning services to be expensive...

and at the same time, over a quarter believe they would be happier if they could use a cleaning service. A good home cleaning service is not cheap, that is evident, but it is worth considering the investment based on its benefits and taking into account the generous 60% tax deduction for household services.

You can get 72 hours of cleaning service from a trained and skilled cleaner and have time to do something else or relax for a while. 💆🛋️

Most people don't have the energy to clean thoroughly enough

Cleaning takes a lot of time and energy, which many of us don't have after a long day at work. But we are here to help you! Under the section "Our Services," you will find all the services we offer.

Click here and find a cleaning service that suits you! 🧼

Low prices affect the cleaner's salaries... or?

At Freska, we strive to provide our employees with the best conditions. And thanks to our collective agreement, our cleaners can be sure that they always receive the wages they deserve, regardless of how much our services cost! 🙌

It is important with collective agreements

Most people are aware of the collective agreement and know how important it is for the employees. At Freska, people come first, and we are passionate about ensuring that everyone has the best conditions.

Are you still unsure about the collective agreement and wonder how we contribute to better jobs?

Click here and read about our collective agreement!

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Happiness is a clean home.

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Freska Sweden AB

Business ID: 556752-7881

    Stockholm, Uppsala, Västerås, Göteborg, Malmö
Freska Sweden
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